Sunday, May 4, 2008

Kawalan Serangga & Makhluk Perosak Di Rumah Hijau / Pests & Insects Control in Greenhouse Area

The purpose of using yellow sticky traps is not only to control harmful insects but is also a way to know what type of insects entering the plantation area before deciding any other control measures

Seperti kawalan penyakit, pengawalan dan rawatan serangan makhluk perosak dilakukan secara bersepadu. Amalan ini melibatkan kawalan kultur, kawalan kimia dan kawalan biologi. Kawalan kultur melibatkan penbersihan persekitaran kebun, pengairan dan pembajaan. Sisa tumbuh-tumbuhan & semak samun selalunya menjadi perumah kepada serangga perosak mestilah dibakar. Untuk mengelakkan pembiakan serangga perosak, para pekebun dinasihatkan menanam jenis-jenis tanaman secara giliran dari satu musim ke musim yang lain. Kawalan biologi melibatkan penggunaan serangga pemangsa seperti ladybird, kerengga, tebuan, lebah atau labah-labah. Racun serangga haruslah menjadi pilihan terakhir sekiranya tidak dapat dikawal. Dalam penggunaan racun kimia, pekebun haruslah berhati-hati supaya ianya tidak menghapuskan populasi serangga pemangsa yang berfaedah ini.

It's easier to prevent insect infestations than to get rid of bugs later. Try and keep your grow room perfectly clean (hospital-like) and don't let it get too humid. Wash your hands and take off your shoes before entering. Don't let house pets into your growing area.

There are four ways to deal with insects:

  1. Yellow sticky traps - best used to help prevent problems or in combination with other treatment.
  2. Predators - biological warfare at its best.
  3. Natural insecticides - safer and often effective.
  4. Chemical insecticides - last resort.

There are plenty of choice in each category including well known brand names such as Safer, Virkon, Magic Mist and Pokon. There are also fungicides as well as animal repellents to keep bigger pests and pets away from your garden.

Note:Predatory bugs are beneficials in controlling harmfull pests and insects.The use of Insecticides is always the last resort but always start with the natural and safer one

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