Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Projek PPRT di Pungai, Johor

Rumah2 bersebelahan tapak projek fertigasi pada foto di atas adalah penempatan Keluarga Termiskin di Punggai, Johor

Syarikat kami (Green Legacy Enterprise) telah mendapat kepercayaan pihak KEJORA (Kemajuan Johor Tenggara) untuk membina set fertigasi dan membimbing peserta di perkampungan Projek Perkampungan Keluarga Termiskin (PPRT) di bawah naungan KEJORA di Punggai, Pengerang, Johor. Kami telah membina struktur lindungan hujan dari besi G.I (19' X 100') siap dengan sistem pengairan, media, benih, baja dan tunjuk ajar secara intensif kepada keluarga yang terlibat dengan projek ini iaitu keluarga Pak Lah. Selain dari itu, banyak juga projek lain yang dilaksanakan diperkampungan ini (yang menempatkan 30 buah keluarga termiskin) termasuklah ternakan burung puyuh. Pada peringkat permulaan, banyak cabaran yang dihadapi untuk menjayakan projek di Pungai ini. Bayangkan, baru saja struktur lindungan hujan dibina, dalam masa tak sampai sebulan, roboh semuanya kerana dilanda angin ribut yang sangat kuat. Namun ianya dibina kembali dengan bahan yang baru kerana struktur besi yang terdahulu telah bengkok dan patah semuanya. Kami komited untuk membantu sebagai sebahagian dari tanggungjawab sosial di samping menyalurkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman yang sedikit ini supaya diberkati oleh Ilahi. Harap doakan kejayaan kami dan keluarga yang terlibat.

Understanding The Concept Of Fertigation

Fertigation is the simultaneous application of plant nutrients (soluble fertilizers) and water through an irrigation system (drip, trickle, sprinkler, furrow, or flood). Most plant nutrients can be applied through an irrigation system. Currently, nitrogen is the nutrient most commonly used in fertigation. In good practice, soil fertility analysis is used to determine which of the more stable nutrients to apply preplant instead of through the irrigation system. Then fertigation is used to “spoon feed” additional nutrients or to correct nutrient deficiencies detected with plant tissue analysis.

Use of fertigation is increasing in U.S, Europe and Asian countries as producers strive to be more efficient with production inputs and practice good environmental stewardship. It is usually practiced with high value crops such as vegetables (strawberries, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons, etc.), turf, fruit trees, vines, and ornamentals. The main advantage of fertigation is the application of nutrients at the precise time they are needed and at the rate they are utilized. Yields are optimized and fertilizer costs are reduced because the nutrients are applied when, where, and in the soluble form needed.

Overall, fertigation conserves water and nutrients. Factors to consider with fertigation are • water quality (especially in drip/ trickle systems), • soil type/leaching potential, • daily plant nutrient consumption, • potential nutrient precipitation and volatilization, and • appropriate nutrient materials. Fertigation systems have been developed for many crops to provide nutrient management guidelines. In addition, plant, soil, and water analyses provide information to optimize the whole program.

Perbandingan Antara Fertigasi & Penanaman secara Konvensional

  • Risiko (serangan serangga perosak, penyakit & kekeringan) - Fertigasi: Rendah (kerana menggunakan dinding kalis serangga pada rumah lindungan dan tiada masalah penyakit bawaan tanah). Masalah kekeringan pula sederhana (hanya berlaku sekiranya terputus bekalan, lalai atau sistem pengairan bocor). / Konvensional: Risiko serangan serangga & penyakit tinggi. Risiko kekeringan rendah kerana akar pokok boleh mendapat air dari tanah atau air hujan.

  • Tenaga Buruh - Fertigasi: Bermusim (tinggi terutama di waktu menanam dan mengutip hasil, tetapi boleh dikontrakkan). / Konvensional: Sentiasa tinggi

  • Kesan akibat mengubah anak pokok - Fertigasi: Kurang terencat (cepat pulih kerana sistem pengairan yang lebih efisien). / Konvensional: Terencat lebih lama sebelum pulih.

  • Keseragaman Pokok - Fertigasi: Lebih seragam (menerima larutan baja yang sama) /Konvensional: Tidak seragam kerana dipengaruhi oleh kesuburan tanah yang berbeza-beza

  • Potensi Hasil - Fertigasi: Untuk setiap pokok, setahun dan seunit luas lebih tinggi kerana lebih pusingan setahun, kepadatan pokok lebih tinggi dan bilangan yang mati akibat penyakit akar adalah rendah. / Konvensional: Untuk setiap pokok sederhana, manakala pusingan tanaman setahun terhad kerana proses penyediaan semula tanah. Untuk seunit luas pula rendah kerana kepadatan pokok lebih rendah dan mudah pula terkena penyakit berjangkit yang dibawa tanah

Monday, April 28, 2008

Krew Agrotek RTM merakam aktiviti Kebun Kami

Foto-foto berikut menunjukkan krew-krew Agrotek membuat rakaman penanaman Cili gergasi Kulai Susu yang kami usahakan secara fertigasi untuk rancangan Agrotek di RTM1 pada bulan Julai 2006 & Rancancan Bumi Kita pada awal tahun 2007 di kebun kami yang terletak di Parit Ramunia, Pontian, Johor. Pegawai-pegawai Jabatan Pertanian daerah Pontian dan pegawai MARDI juga hadir sama pada sessi rakaman tersebut. Kami memang mendapat banyak tunjuk ajar yang sangat berharga dari kedua-dua institusi tersebut. Kami disuruh 'berlakon' seolah-olah sedang berkebun, meracun, membancuh baja fertigasi dan membuat 'harvesting'. Hos Agrotek itu juga sama-sama memetik buah cili yang sudah masak. Kulai Susu adalah sejenis veriety cili hybrid yang unik. Ia boleh mencapai saiz antara 20cm hingga 25cm apabila matang. Namun begitu, rasanya lebih pedas dari cili merah yang biasa. Pada mulanya agak sukar untuk kami menembusi pasaran tempatan kerana mereka kurang biasa dengan saiz cili sebesar itu. Tetapi ramai juga yang berminat mencubanya. Sekiranya anda ingin mendapatkan benihnya, email saya di Semasa dapat surat dari penerbit Agrotek meminta kebenaran untuk membuat rakaman di kebun kami memang excited dan rasa bangga juga. Maklumlah, tak pernah masuk TV lah katakan. (maaf, gambar sedikit kabur)

Sayang sekali kami tidak dapat nak ambil copy rakaman AGROTEK di TV1 itu, tetapi kami dapat mengambil rakaman yang dibuat oleh seseorang yang tidak diketahui dan di uploadkan ke dalam YouTube. Rakaman itu diambil dari rancangan Bumi Kita yang ditayangkan pada pukul 6 pagi setiap hari di TV1 pada awal tahun ini. Rakaman dibuat dari set TV. Yang berbaju merah dan membancuh baja itu rakan saya, Jamal. Saya ialah orang yang bertopi apek itu. (maaf, visual sangat tidak memuaskan), kami juga sertakan contoh episod2 rancangan Agrotek seperti berikut:

Selamat Datang Ke Kebun Kami ? Welcome to Our Farm

Foto2 ini menunjukkan kebun kami yang terletak di Kampung Parit Ramunia, Benut, Johor. Kami telah menanam tanaman cili yang mana kami mempunyai 2 lot rumah lindungan hujan yang boleh menempatkan 450 unit poin untuk setiap lot. kami menggunakan kaedah pengairan dan pembajaan secara fertigasi yang dikendalikan secara automatik. kami telah memperolehi banyak pengalaman yang berharga sepanjang melalui kaedah ini, Walaupun agak mudah mengendalikannya kerana sistem automatik digunakan, namun kami perlu melakukan kawalan makhluk perosak dan kawalan kulat sendiri termasuk melakukan pendebungaan secara manual.
These are photos of our farm which is located in Benut, Johor, Southern part of Malaysia. Previously, we planted chillies. We have 2 lots of self-construct Greenhouses like these. It's 30'X100' big and can houses 450 points chilly plants. We use fertigation method through drip irrigation and use coco-peat as a media. We have gained a lot of experience through this method and its quite easy to maintain because the watering and fertilizing is fully automated and because of that, we almost don't need to hire anyone to do most of the job. Anyway, we still have to control insects and fungus infections manually. The same goes to pollination process whereby we have to do it ourselves in order to get a uniform fruiting.

Problems in Drip Irrigation/Fertigation - Clogging / Masalah dalam Fertigasi - Penitis Tersumbat

This is specially critical for drip systems that must be kept free from suspended solids and microorganisms that plug the small orifices in the emitters or driper. In the case of clogging of the drip system by bicarbonate precipitation the use of fertilizers with acid reaction partially corrects this problem. However, acid fertilizers cause corrosion of the metallic components of the irrigation system and damage the cement and asbest pipes. Therefore, the periodic injection of acid in the fertigation system is recommended in order to dissolve the precipitates and to unclog the drippers. The following acids can be used phosphoric, nitric, sulfuric and chlorhydric. In the West, HCl is widely used due to its low cost. Acid injection through the system will also remove bacteria, algae and slime. The irrigation and injection system should be carefully washed after the injection of acid.

In Asian countries like Malaysia however, this method is unknown. What is being done to solve this problem is manually unplug the driper from microtube and wash it in water. For us, we usually use toothbrush to clean the driper from sediments or unwanted items that clogg the driper. After it is thoroughly clean, then plug back the driper to the microtube. This old method is not practical in a huge fertigation plantation and add costs in terms of labour. So, the best way is still the injection of acid substance in the fertigation system.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Perbandingan Antara Fertigasi & Penanaman secara Konvensional

  • Jenis tanaman - Fertigasi: lebih sesuai untuk tanaman jenis buah / Konvensional: Sesuai untuk semua jenis tanaman.
  • Struktur Pelindung Tanaman - Fertigasi: Pra-syarat yang mesti ada / Konvensional: Boleh dijalankan tanpa struktur pelindung tanaman
  • Dinding jaring kalis serangga - Fertigasi: Boleh ada atau tiada / Konvensional: Tiada
  • Sistem Pengairan - Fertigasi: Titis dan berbaja / Konvensional: Sebarang jenis pengairan
  • Media Tanaman - Fertigasi: Coco-peat, pasir campuran, arang sekam padi, perlite, peat-moss, vermiculite dll / Konvensional: Tanah
  • Veriety Tanaman - Fertigasi: Untuk Tomato, Cili & Melon jenis indeterminate atau hybrid / Konvensional: Indeterminate & determinate atau sebarang jenis veriety.
  • Air - Fertigasi: Perlukan air bersih sahaja (paip, air bawah tanah atau air sungai yang bersih) / Konvensional: air bersih bukanlah pra-syarat untuk pengairan.
  • Tenaga elektrik - Fertigasi: Sebaiknya ada / Konvensional: Tidak perlu
  • Modal - Fertigasi: Tinggi / Konvensional: Rendah
  • Pengetahuan Teknikal - Fertigasi: Sangat diperlukan terutamanya dalam pengurusan tanaman dan pengairbajaan / Konvensional: Tidak memerlukan pengetahuan yang terlalu teknikal.
  • Tapak tanah (topography) - Fertigasi: Mesti rata supaya pengairan sekata kepada setiap unit tanaman / Konvensional: Tidak semestinya rata.
  • Kesuburan Tanah - Fertigasi: Tidak menjadi syarat / Konvensional: Pra-syarat. tanah yang subur perlu untuk mengurangkan kos pengurusan dan penyediaan tanah
  • Kos Operasi - Fertigasi: Rendah / Konvensional: Tinggi kerana melibatkan kos meracun rumput, membajak, membuat batas, merumput dan membaja (secara manual)

Fertigation is the application of fertilizers, soil amendments, or other water soluble products through an irrigation system. Chemigation, a related and sometimes interchangeable term, is the application of chemicals through an irrigation system. Chemigation is considered to be a more restrictive and controlled process due to the potential nature of the products being delivered (pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc.) to cause harm to humans, animals or the environment. Therefore chemigation is generally more regulated than fertigation.

Fertigation is used extensively in commercial agriculture and horticulture and is starting to be used in general landscape applications as dispenser units become more reliable and easy to use.

Benefits of fertigation over traditional broadcast or drop fertilizing methods include:

  • Increased nutrient absorption by plants
  • Reduction in fertilizer and chemicals needed
  • Reduced leaching to the water table
  • Reduction in water usage due to the plant's resulting increased root mass being able to trap and hold water
  • Cost Savings - Usually when factors such as labor, fuel, and interrupted play are factored into traditional fertilizer applications, significant cost savings can be seen from use of
    fertigation techniques. Additionally, using fertigation, you can usually get the
    same results from using inexpensive liquids as you can from expensive time release
    granular fertilizers
  • Consistent Nutrient Levels - Feeding low levels of nutrition continuously as opposed to intermittent applications provides improved turf consistency.
  • Reduced Labor - Fertigation reduces the amount of labor required to apply granular fertilizers or sprayed out foliars.
  • Low operational costs

Simple Drip Irrigation Set Up - How fix the microtube & driper?

During the fertigation system irrigation set up, one of the crucial activities is fixing up the microtube with the driper (which normally come together as one set) onto the p.e lateral pipe. The tools that you'll need are as follows:

  1. 25 feet of 1/4 inch microtubing rubber hose
  2. Driper head with micro filtration function
  3. 100 feet of main 1/2 inch p.e plastic hose
  4. Puncher - This tool is not shown on the photo above, but is shown on the photo below.
  5. Cutter
  6. Microtube nipple connector
First, a hole have to be make by using a special puncher with the standard punch hole size as the microtube nipple. Do not use any other tool like nail or any metal spike to do this because you might accidently make a hole on the other side of the p.e hose resulting a leakage. After that, insert the microtube nipple onto the hole. The nipple have a special catch which is design to hold the connection firmly and will not leak unless you plug it off.

After fixing the microtube, it has to be tested for functionality or wether there's any blockage or leakage without the driper and with the driper fixed. This has to be done before even start the seedling.

Aeroponic In Singapore

Singapore has started Hydroponic long before any other Asian countries because it is the best farming method for the island due to its limited land for farming. Aeroponic also not new to Singapore. Most of vegetables in Singapore are either came from Cameron Highlands or from Singapore own Hydroponic & Aeroponic modern farm

Elsewhere in the North, at Lim Chu Kang, a 5.6 hectare plot of land is the site of Singapore's first aeroponic farm. It is also the first in Asia to use Aeroponics for large-scale vege production. They grows crops such as Butter Head, Canasta and Dresser lettuces, kailan and dwarf cabbage.

The seedlings are planted in troughs made of styrofoam with their roots beneath an insulating cover. The air is cooled to simulate temperate conditions. Nutrients dissolved in water are sprayed onto the roots. This method differs from hydroponics in the sense that in the latter, the roots are submerged, not exposed.

The development of the technology for commercial use was done by the Nanyang Technological University, The Primary Production Department (PPD) and the PSB. Already the farm is producing 900 kg of temperate crops daily.

The advantages of Aeroponics over conventional agriculture are similar to those of Hydroponics: First, he vegetables reach the market fresh. This is because normally, in the five days it takes for temperate vegetables to be imported from Australia, the Netherlands and Hong Kong, they might spoil. Second, the Aeroponic vegetables are likely to be twenty percent cheaper as they need not be air-flown.

Third, the vegetables are pesticide-free because fine netting is used to protect the seedlings, while still allowing air to circulate. In fact, they have a higher calcium, potassium and iron content. Fourth, less water is needed than in conventional practices. For example, water from a single hundred-litre tank can be used for up to five hundred plants. Finally, the plants grow faster because conditions can be controlled.

The first harvest was in June 1996, and the farm cost $5 million to build. The produce is sold at supermarkets, wet-markets and restaurants. The greens will eventually be exported, for example to the Middle East.

Singapore students visiting Aeroponic farm

Fertigation In Malaysia

Fertigation technique has gain great popularity in the Malaysian agriculture. Places like Cameron Highlands, Johor, Selangor, Perak and Pahang is saturated with farmers who used this technique. Most of the crops that is planted among others are melons, strawberries (mostly in Cameron Highland), capsicum, tomatoes, chillies, etc. New and modern approach is also added in the fertigation system in order to get the highest return. Some of them are the 'Autopot fertigation system' which is now used mainly in Sweet Melon fertigation plantation. This technique are very different from all other hydroponic systems
such as NFT and drip to waste where the accurate dose of nutrients can be achieved. Delivering accurate nutrients to the plants without the salt build up problems many hydroponics experts expect. There is no run-off and no flushing is needed. The yields are good and the flavour of the melons is consistently outstanding. The sweetness measures an average brix reading of 14. The fruit are uniform and free from blemishes. The Autopot System is becoming very popular now in Malaysia even though the set up cost is huge. This shows that more and more Malaysians have a good faith in this technique. As a proof, we can see so many
greenhouse structures in many parts of Malaysia now, even alongside the North-South highways. Malaysian goverment are also very supportive in this area. The good example are the Department Of Agriculture of Malaysia and Malaysia Agriculture, Research and Developement Institute or MARDI. They provide free training and courses for those who interested in venturing into this field. Some of the courses are as such:

i) Agriculture Certificate
To produce skilled personnel in agriculture at operational level to fulfill th
e need for the government and the private sectors.
To develop and produce for future agriculture entrepreneurs.

ii) Agriculture Incubator Training
To provide skilled training and exposure to commercial farming operation to entrepreneurs and young farmers for 8 months.

iii) Entrepreneur Development Center
To provide hands-on training on commercial food production methods that meets the Good Manufacturing Standards (GMP) and the Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) for 6 months

Basic Need For Fertigation - Selected Seeds

This is very important in order to get a quality crops. It is recomended to use only Hybrid F1 seed or Precision seed. Hybrid seed is produced by artificially cross-pollinated plants of the best quality. Hybrids are bred to improve the characteristics of the resulting plants, such as better yield, greater uniformity, improved colour, improved taste, disease resistance and so forth. Make sure you get it from a reputable supplier. Hybrid seed cannot be saved, as the seed from the first generation of hybrid plants does not produce true copies, therefore new seed must be purchased for each time you want to plant for the next season. Hybrid seed is also a bit more expensive than the normal seed.


Mendapatkan benih yang betul adalah sangat 2 penting dalam pertanian berkonsep moden. Kami mengesyorkan hanya benih jenis Hybrid F1 atau 'Precision seed'. benih hybrid dihasilkan secara pendebungaan-silang tanaman dari kualiti yang paling baik. Hybrid dibiakkan untuk meningkatkan sifat tanaman yang bakal dihasilkan seperti hasil yang lebih baik, keseragaman, warna dan rasa yang lebih baik, ketahanan dan sebagainya. Benih hybrid tidak boleh diguna semula untuk semaian selepas generasi yang pertama kerana generasi benih yang berikutnya tidak akan menghasilkan kualiti yang sama seperti yang asal. Harganya pula lebih mahal daripada benih biasa

Basic Need For Fertigation 5 - E.C, pH & TDS Meter / Keperluan asas Fertigasi 5 - E.C, pH & TDS Meter

pH Meter & EC Meter

Measuring the water supply TDS
(menyukat TDS untuk bekalan air)

These tools are to measure the nutrient solution, water supply and the media scientifically and accurately. This is the most crucial and important element in precision farming concept - to be precise in every measurement in order to get a standard and uniform crops quality. TDS (Total Desolved Solids) is to measure water quality before it can be use for plants. You cannot get a reading better than TDS zero when measuring the total amount of dissolved solids in water. As for E.C, it measures the electro conductivity of solutions. In other words, we obtain the concentration of nutrients by using this tool and its the most frequent tool used in Hydroponics, Drip Irrigation or Aeroponics. As for pH meters, please make sure you have a reliable pH meter and know how to calibrate it properly. If your pH drifts off too far, you will find that your plants are not growing as strongly as you would like them to. This has got a lot to do with the availability of Iron in solution. If the solutions or the media is too acidic (whether it is perlite, cocopeat, wood husks etc.), it can actually preventing the roots from absorbing the nutrient resulting a slower growth and low crops yield
Alat-alat ini diperlukan untuk menyukat kepekatan baja, kemurnian serta keasidan bekalan air & media dengan tepat. Ini adalah elemen yang paling penting bagi pertanian berketepatan tinggi dan merupakan aspek penting dalam pertanian moden untuk memperolehi hasil tanaman yang sekata dan seragam. TDS (Total Desolves Solid) Meter digunakan untuk mengetahui tahap kualiti air sebelum ianya boleh digunakan untuk tanaman. Air yang tercemar atau mengandungi unsur-unsur logam berat terlarut yang tinggi akan mengakibatkan pertumbuhan tanaman terbantut. Manakala E.C Meter pula digunakan untuk menyukat kepekatan baja cecair mengikut tahap perkembangan, keperluan dan usia tanaman. Inilah alat yang paling kerap digunakan oleh pengusaha Fertigasi, Hidroponik dan juga Aeroponik. PH meter diperlukan untuk menyukat tahap keasidan larutan baja, bekalan air dan juga media. Jika terlalu masam atau berasid, akar tanaman tidak akan dapat menyerap baja dengan cekap. Ini akan membantutkan pertumbuhan tanaman dan membazirkan baja. pH meter juga agak kerap digunakan oleh dalam sistem ini. Sekiranya didapati media terlalu masam, terutamanya jika menggunakan sabut kelapa (bagi kebanyakan pengusaha Fertigasi di Malaysia), maka media tersebut haruskan dibilas (flush) pada awal2 pagi sebelum pembajaan & pengairan bermula. Bilasan dibuat dengan menggunakan air bersih atau air yang ditambah sedikit bahan alkali untuk meneutralkan media. Larutan baja juga harus melalui proses yang sama.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

How To Shape your Pumpkin & Watermelon?/ Bagaimana Hendak Membentuk Labu Mickey & Tembikai berbentuk Petak?

Everything is possible for modern farming, even to make your crops shape the way you want them to be (except to make watermelon or pumpkin to shape as durian, of course). It can be turn pretty costly too and believe it or not, it tastes sweeter. The secret is in the mould, a transparent durable polymer mould which is used to shape the fruit. Just see some of the examples below:

Mickey-shaped Pumpkin

To get the shape the pumpkins are grown within a mould. Apparently the pumpkins are so strong that when they grow larger they can break through the mould.

Square watermelon.

It costs 15000 yen, which roughly equals $146. That's right, one hundred and forty-six Dollars for one.

They are grown in clear square containers and are prized for the following:
1) The square shape makes them easy to store in small refrigerators,
2) They are grown one melon to a plant. That makes the melon INCREDIBLY tasty as all of the nutrients are concentrated on this one melon. That is also why it costs so much.


Ianya dibuat dengan menggunakan acuan khas dari plastik (polyethene) bersaiz 8" persegi empat sama dan bersifat lutsinar. Acuan ini kemudiannya diikat rapi supaya ianya tidak mudah pecah sekiranya buah itu membesar. Sekiranya anda bercadang hendak menanam tembikai, cubalah menghasilkan bentuk ini kerana harganya jauh lebih mahal dari yang berbentuk bulat. Kelebihannya juga adalah rasanya lebih manis kerana dari proses mampatan di dalam bekas tersebut, rasa manisnya lebih tersimpan. Ia juga lebih tahan lama dan tidak mudah rosak. Di samping itu, proses menyimpan juga sangat efektif berbanding yang bulat kerana setiap ruang dimanfaatkan dan oleh itu, kos pengakutan juga adalah rendah. Harganya di pasaran Jepun sampai mencecah 15000 yen atau RM400 sebiji. Anda boleh memesan acuannya dari kebanyakan kedai hardware atau kedai-kedai pembekal peralatan pertanian di Malaysia. Ianya telah menjadi suatu trend sekarang. Sesuatu yang unik dan baru, ada harganya tersendiri. sekiranya anda ingin mempelajari dengan lebih terperinci tentang teknik ini, dapatkan ebooknya di sini. Selamat mencuba